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4 bedroom flat

25,000,000 For sale asero abeokuta ogun



A standard & Newly built 4 bedroom flat bungalow ensuite @ Moore Junction off Abiolaway, Abeokuta.

- This property is very close to the tarred road | Less than 5 minute's drive
- Well Developed Neighborhood.
- This property is just a year Old.
- POP ceiling all round
- Well-painted interior only.
- Spaciously Built.
- American panel door in all rooms.
- Fully tiled.
- Well water with submersible pump.
- Dinning Area.
- All Rooms Ensuite.
- Prepaid Meter.
- Aluminum roofing sheet.
- Kitchen Cabinets in All Apartments.
- Government-certified structural plan in progress.
- Certified true copy of land size & ownership papers.
- Deed of Land purchase contract.

Moore Junction off Abiolaway, Abeokuta.

Call us 07030057200
WhatsApp us: 2347030057200


  • 4 Bedrooms